As an independent and valued partner for data management, we have been able to assist organisations, multinationals and government bodies in the Netherlands and Germany. Based on our experience and in-depth domain knowledge, we provide strategic advice and integrated solutions based on innovative technologies.
At cimt, we always look at what methods and techniques have proven themselves in the market. We complement these with our expertise and benchmark new developments and technologies before we deploy them to our clients. We work strategically but with a pragmatic approach. We make this possible with our professionals, people make it!
Independent, personal and with a reliable network. We work with a selection of partners on a strategic and technological level. These partners have been chosen with great care so that we can be sure that they fit in with our services and provide added value for our clients and relations.
With our international character, we are fortunate that cultures and areas of knowledge intermingle within our company. The different backgrounds give our team a nice diversity. Something that stimulates us as a company and of which we are proud. Equality within our organisation is a matter of course.
Our expertise
Our competence is formed by our partners and senior consultants with extensive experience in management and IT consulting and highly qualified talents who strengthen our team as graduates or young professionals.
Our know-how in different industries is the result of long-lasting cooperation with our customers – all leaders in their industries. Our main goal is to deliver excellent solutions, both in terms of quality and service. We have been able to prove this in more than 1,000 projects. In addition to our technological expertise, we are proud of our outstanding reputation as a consulting partner in architectural issues and transformation projects.
Because data and application integration are at the heart of information management, the services provided by cimt are based on these fundamental components.
Our philosophy
We see the subject of data management as a management task in conjunction with a broad approach to processes, people and technology. Our solutions are holistically designed and tailored to meet the needs of our customers as they become a competitive advantage for our customers. In doing so, we rely on generally recognised standards and current tools and technologies. The independence of our company and the product and platform independent, solution-oriented approach form the basis for advising you directly and exclusively according to your needs, without passing through corporate aspects.
Our team
Our employees make us special. In addition to their expertise, they also bring with them ambition to deliver high-quality and targeted solutions. In addition to technical knowledge, our employees also possess the necessary soft skills to successfully carry out and deliver projects.
- We always think solution-oriented
- We work in a committed manner and with guidance
- We take our responsibility, also in critical project situations
- We are team players and partners of our customers
- We can be deployed both locally and internationally
Meet the team

Jolanda Hautvast
Management Assistant
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Mohamed Khalil Ouachikh

Mirco Kriesten
Senior Consultant
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Hrvoje Husic
Senior Consultant

Claudia Miesen
Junior Consultant
Barry van Hooijdonk
Senior Consultant
After your company data has been brought together in a data warehouse, something needs to be done with this data. Before this information can form the basis for policy making and business operations, data needs to be converted into information. This transformation of data into information is realised by applying analytics.
cimt chooses Looker for the realization of analytics, because Looker is cloud and web-based. As a result, dashboards can always be accessed from any PC and employees are not tied to a PC on which certain software is installed.
Managed data
In order to provide users with ready-to-use and accurate datasets, developers can make these datasets ready for use in advance. In this way, relationships between tables and table aggregations can be defined beforehand. At this stage, business rules can also be applied and company-specific metrics can be defined. By using this “managed data”, data used by multiple business units will always match. Looker always displays live data; therefore, there are no local copies of data with the end users.
This does not mean that end users are dependent on the datasets that developers create: users have the freedom to explore data and create their own visualizations. In order to keep a grip on the data, the user is always able to zoom in to row-level data from Looker.
Sharing of information
When users want to share data with colleagues, they can simply share a URL to give access to a visualisation or image. In addition, it is also possible to schedule automatic reports, which can be sent by email or placed on an external FTP server, for example. Of course, reports can also be stored locally by a user. In this way you are flexible in the way you report and share information.
Because Looker is subscription-based, this also makes it easy to step in: you pay for the number of users that have access to the platform and you don’t have to purchase a large software package for the number of users that will be working with the software in the coming years. So it’s easy to step into Looker with a small team and then scale your subscription as analytics play a bigger role in your business. If after a while it turns out that Looker isn’t the right tool for you, or that it’s not yet the right time to implement analytics in your company, you can simply cancel this subscription.
Looker can retrieve data from many different databases, such as Snowflake, MySQL, postgresql and MS SQL Server, as well as other databases (both local and in the cloud). Therefore, Looker is also a suitable choice if a data warehouse is currently hosted locally.
As a partner of Looker, we would like to give you insight into the possibilities and benefits of analytics in the cloud:
- Hosted in the cloud, so no worries about local installations or hardware performance
- Possibilities for managed data and encrypted data sets
- Queries directly on current data: no local copies of datasets at end users
- Subscription-based
Saddam Mawlood
Junior Consultant