API Services – Introduction

You might have heard of APIs and might even already know the exact meaning and purpose of it. In that case, you might be a bit bored in this article…

gdpr data governance

Chances and Challenges of GDPR

What is GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a binding regulation created by the European Commission. The regulation is replacing…

CRM data deduplication machine learning Talend

CRM data cleansing and machine learning

Duplicate data in CRM systems can cause you to miss out on that promising lead. Or worse, can give you the impression that you obliged a deletion…

Data migratie Talend

De juiste tools voor succesvolle migratiescenario’s

Regelmatig zetten organisaties migratieprojecten op, bijvoorbeeld om efficiëntere bedrijfsprocessen te implementeren of om beter te kunnen…