API Services – Development with Talend

In the previous article we discussed the general topics around APIs and their history. Now that you are up to speed with APIs, it is time to…

API Services – Introduction

You might have heard of APIs and might even already know the exact meaning and purpose of it. In that case, you might be a bit bored in this article…

SAP Migration: A Reference Scenario – Introduction

An SAP migration can be successful if, and only if, the information around the scope, requirements, business rules, and transformation rules are…

Migration to SAP

SAP-migratieView English version Een SAP-migratie kan om verschillende redenen worden uitgevoerd. U wilt uw data bijvoorbeeld vanuit een ander…

Using Talend for Data Migration – Part 2

One major complexity of data migration projects is the data quality and data consistence – especially if several legacy environments are involved. A…

talend sap roadshow cimt

SAP & Talend Roadshow – hosted by cimt

In de maand september willen we u graag uitnodigen voor onze roadshow “SAP-integratie met Talend”. Tijdens onze informatiesessies zullen we erop…

Talend Data Migration

Using Talend for Data Migration – Part 1

Changing business needs and market demands make it imperative for enterprises to ensure sustainability by adopting to new tools and technologies.…

cimt Talend SAP Integratie

Talend Release Winter '18 - cimt ontwikkelt nieuwe Talend componenten voor uitgebreide integratie met SAP

Sinds 24 januari is de nieuwe Talend Winter '18 release (versie 6.5.1) beschikbaar. Deze brengt onder andere een uitgebreide set aan componenten voor…

continuous integration cimt Talend

First steps with DevOps for Talend Data Management

Talend features to support Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery – A first step to DevOps The popularity of DevOps within IT organizations is…

CRM data deduplication machine learning Talend

CRM data cleansing and machine learning

Duplicate data in CRM systems can cause you to miss out on that promising lead. Or worse, can give you the impression that you obliged a deletion…